We can't wait to receive your application! Before you move forward with your Uprising application, we recommend that you have first reviewed the Uprising Invitation to learn about this 12-week Incubator Program, especially for high-achieving women.

Please note that Applying does NOT obligate you to join Uprising. This is simply the next step and is incredibly valuable on its own. If you're feeling on the fence, the questions in this application can help you gain clarity as to whether Uprising feels aligned for your path.

Are you ready to activate your authentic leadership, disrupt the patriarchy, and create success on your own terms?

Get Started!

The Power of Working With Amy

"When I came to the incubator, I felt lost in my career...and in my life. I was waking up in the mornings wondering if I would ever find a way to shine again...Uprising led me back to myself. I found community and felt not alone. It made me a better mom, a better wife, and I now have my dream job and a new career."

- Kerry Roark, Director, Scientific Communications at Gilead Sciences


“I was someone who tolerated dysfunctional living situations, less than desirable wages, and romantic isolation. I felt like a victim much of the time. I stayed stuck.”  


“I take time each day to check in with my inner wisdom about what she has to say. This work gave me my life back. I live with more passion, joy, grace, and creativity.”

- Katie Leathers

"Amy Blew Me Away! She is incredibly gifted in her ability to coach her clients, not only asking the right, probing questions, but also making space for them to gain access to their own truth. I highly recommend working with Amy in any capacity. After spending time with Amy, you will no doubt walk away with new insights that can drive major change in your life."  

- Heather McClellan, Vice President of Corporate Communications, Intuit

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